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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Proposal extends rule reducing risk of whale ship strikes along U.S. East Coast

June 5, 2013

Right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) skim feeding with Delaware II in the background. Credit: Lisa Conger, NOAA/NEFSC

Right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) skim feeding with NOAA ship Delaware II in the background.

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NOAA Fisheries Service is seeking comments on its proposal to make permanent the rules it implemented five years ago to reduce the number of collisions between ships and North Atlantic right whales.

Right whales are among the most endangered species in the world, and are highly vulnerable to ship collisions. The rules, part of NOAA’s long-standing efforts to recover right whales, are currently scheduled to expire in December 2013. NOAA’s proposal to make them permanent, which includes a 60-day public comment period, was filed at the Federal Register today.

The existing rules, which reduce an ocean-going vessel’s speed to 10 knots or less during certain times and locations along the East Coast from Maine to Florida, have reduced the number of whales struck by ships since 2008, when the speed limits began. No right whale ship strike deaths have occurred in Seasonal Management Areas since the rule went into place. Modeling studies indicate the measures have reduced the probability of fatal ship strikes of right whales by 80 to 90 percent.

NOAA biologists believe there are approximately 450 right whales in the NW Atlantic population. The whales face a number of challenges, including ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear.

NOAA biologists believe there are approximately 450 right whales in the NW Atlantic population. The whales face a number of challenges, including ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear.

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Also, NOAA’s revised estimates indicate that the restrictions cost the shipping industry and other maritime communities about one-third of original 2008 projections. NOAA scientists say that industry participation and compliance is high, and that in most cases vessels have incorporated speed restrictions into their standard operations and voyage planning.

"Reducing ship speeds in areas where there are endangered right whales works,” said NOAA Fisheries’ acting administrator Sam Rauch. “It is a proven method to reduce deaths and serious injury to these incredible creatures. Making these protections permanent will make U.S. East Coast waters safer for right whales, and will allow them to reach full maturity, which is critical to their long-term survival.”

North Atlantic right whales are among the most endangered species in the world. Historically depleted by commercial whaling, they suffers injury and death from ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear.

North Atlantic right whales are among the most endangered species in the world. Historically depleted by commercial whaling, they suffers injury and death from ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear.

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The rule proposes to continue existing speed restrictions during migration periods along three regions of the U.S. East Coast (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast). These measures are implemented during the time of year when right whales occur in each area. Speed restrictions apply to vessels that are 65 feet in length or greater, except federal agency vessels.

The proposed rule also seeks public input on ways to measure the effectiveness of the existing speed restrictions and whether they should be phased out in the future.

This proposed rule is part of a more comprehensive approach to conserve right whales, including consulting on operations of federal ships under the Endangered Species Act, developing an expanded outreach and education program, and modifying shipping routes in waters of Massachusetts, Georgia and Florida. NOAA has also developed a dynamic management program whereby vessel operators are asked to travel less than 10 knots or avoid areas where whales occur in times and places not covered by seasonal speed restriction zones. Scientists expect these actions to significantly reduce the risks to right whales from ships.

NOAA scientists and partners attempt to disentangle endangered right whale.

NOAA scientists and partners attempt to disentangle endangered right whale.

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The North Atlantic right whale primarily occurs in coastal or shelf waters. Its known range includes winter calving and nursery areas in coastal waters off the southeastern United States, and summer feeding grounds in New England waters and north to the Bay of Fundy and Scotian Shelf.

Historically depleted by commercial whaling, the North Atlantic right whale suffers injury and death from ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. These events may continue to contribute to the species decline and inability to recover. Biologists believe that there are approximately 450 right whales in the Northwest Atlantic population, and that the number is growing steadily.

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 requires recovery plans to serve as guides to promote the conservation and recovery of listed species. In 2005, NOAA Fisheries released a revised North Atlantic Right Whale Recovery Plan that provides an overall framework for promoting recovery of the whale. Measures to reduce risks posed by entanglement in fishing gear are contained in NOAA Fisheries’ Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.

NOAA scientists and partners attempt to disentangle endangered right whale.

NOAA scientists and partners attempt to disentangle endangered right whale.

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Written comments on the proposed regulations filed today must be sent to NOAA Fisheries no later than August 6.

After publishing a proposed rule, NOAA’s Fisheries Service considers the public comments and new information that may have been provided.

You may submit public comments via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at or by visiting the comment page on the Office of Protected Resources website at NOAA’s Fisheries Service will also accept written comments mailed to: Office of Protected Resources, NOAA Fisheries, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910; or faxed to 301-713-4060.

NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Acting NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathryn Sullivan gives keynote address at Capitol Hill Oceans Week

Posted June 6, 2013

“Healthy Oceans and Coasts For a Resilient America”
Welcome and Opening Keynote Address
Capitol Hill Oceans Week
Newseum in Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Kathryn D. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator

Remarks As Delivered

Thank you, Jason [Patlis].

Welcome everyone!  What a great turn out! Over 700 registrants. What a great turn out.

Believe it or not, this is my first time at CHOW. It didn’t exist when I served as NOAA’s Chief Scientist in the early ‘90s, much though we needed such a forum.

This is CHOW’s 13th year of convening important conversations about our oceans. Hats off to all of you and the organizations you represent for making CHOW a success year after year! Special kudos to the National Marine Sanctuaries Foundation team for making CHOW happen again this year! May there be many more Capitol Hill Oceans Weeks ahead.

As we gather here during National Oceans Month, I want to take a moment to honor three veteran champions of the oceans, who we lost since last CHOW.

We at NOAA were very saddened to learn of Senator Frank Lautenberg’s passing yesterday. The good Senator was a true statesman and advocate for his constituents and the oceans. He sponsored the Ocean Dumping Act of 1988 and Deep Sea Coral Protection Act. He was also a pioneer in efforts to protect shorelines and critical habitats.

Senator Daniel K. Inouye, another of our great leaders, passed away in December. He was a devoted champion of the oceans and of NOAA’s mission. He sponsored or was instrumental in key federal legislation that today works to protect our citizens and conserve the nation’s ocean resources.

Last year, we also gave our final salutes to Admiral James Watkins. He left a rich legacy of major ocean leadership contributions, most recently, “An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century.”

With their first glimpse out the window, every astronaut grasps a profound truth that these ocean leaders clearly knew: that we are citizens of an ocean planet (perversely named “Terra” rather than “Aqua”); that our very existence and the quality of our lives depend critically on the health of our ocean. Daniel Inouye, James Watkins and Frank Lautenberg brought this understanding to life in their individual visions for a healthy ocean — in ways that we will continue to benefit from and build upon for decades to come. We will miss them greatly.

In one way or another, every one of us in this room is moved by a vision of healthy oceans. Every year, Capitol Hill Oceans Week brings us together across interests to share our respective visions, connect our energies and combine our expertise. The conversations that take place at CHOW bring to life the vision of those who crafted the National Ocean Policy — a vision framed by science, and in which people are part of — not separate from dynamic ecosystems; one in which people participate actively in dialogues that underlie the decisions that ultimately define how we live with our ocean and marine ecosystems. This science-informed dialogue can help shape the future of the ocean that is linked so inextricably to the vitality of our communities and our livelihoods.

The nation’s first-ever Ocean Policy, along with the recently released Implementation Plan, signal some of the progress we’ve made in recent years in establishing the frameworks that set the stage for better management  of our the oceans and coasts. Other encouraging signals in the policy arena include the Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy, the National Strategy for the Arctic Region, and the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Climate Adaptation Strategy.

These new policies set the foundation for much-needed progress. Despite these encouraging steps forward, we still face real-world challenges on many fronts: an ever-growing  tally of and toll from natural disasters; the prospect of a busier Arctic, and concerns about preparedness for oil spills and other potential impacts of resource development there; a number of fishery disasters, including Northeast groundfish, Alaska Chinook salmon, and Mississippi oyster and blue crab fisheries; Hurricane Sandy added to the roster of fishery disasters; the slow pace of establishing Marine Protected Areas — only about 8 percent of all U.S. waters are in an MPA [marine protected area] focused on conserving natural or cultural resources (This figure excludes fishery MPAs); and more.

These challenges are made more daunting by current budget and resource pressures.

NOAA brings many things to the table to tackle these challenges. Most notable is the strength of our science along with our unique combination of science, service and stewardship. Our mission extends literally from the surface of the sun to the bottom of the sea. Our job is to build an understanding of the Earth, the atmosphere, and the oceans and to transform that understanding into critical environmental intelligence: timely, actionable information, developed from reliable and authoritative science, that gives us foresight about future conditions; that can inform the myriad decisions we confront each and every day as we live our lives and craft our livelihoods on this very dynamic planet … decisions that determine our comfort and our safety, and affect the immediate profitability and long-term sustainability of communities and businesses. Just like the “intelligence” of the security world, this environmental intelligence combines data, information, analysis, modeling, and assessment.

Recent events — the devastating tornadoes and flooding in Oklahoma this past week and Hurricane Sandy last October, to name just two — have renewed an emphasis on resilience as a national imperative. The National Academy of Sciences defines resilience as “the ability to plan and prepare for; absorb; recover from or more successfully adapt to adverse events.” Resilience goes beyond preparedness; it makes us better able to take the blow and rebound readily. This is the sense in which I will use the term today. This is a welcome and promising way forward.

Today, I am going to use coastal zones as the point of departure for my discussion: I will reflect upon the central role that oceans and coasts play in the resilience of this Nation. I will then focus on the role that environmental intelligence plays in fostering resilience, highlighting NOAA’s key role and activities to supply this intelligence. And I will close with some thoughts about what’s needed in the broader landscape of resilience.

So, what do healthy oceans and coasts have to do with resilience?

Let me start with a historical note. When this nation was still young, in 1807, President Thomas Jefferson expressed his ocean vision for the country when he established The Survey of the Coast, the Nation’s first scientific agency and a founding entity in NOAA’s history. Jefferson — along with the Congress that passed the bill with little debate — recognized that charting our oceans and coasts would protect the "lives of our seamen, the interest of our merchants and the benefits to revenue," as one Congressman put it. America’s charting efforts also were and still are essential to establishing maritime boundaries. Coincidentally or not, on the same day that Jefferson signed the Survey of the Coast bill, he also sent a letter to Congress asking for shallow gun boats to defend our coasts and ports.

Today, these and other oceanic connections to societal resilience remain.

U.S. trade depends on functioning harbors and ports. Some 95% of our trade goods enter and leave this country through our harbors and ports. The ocean provides at least half of the Earth’s oxygen. The ocean feeds us. Globally, more than 2.6 billion people depend on seafood as their primary source of protein. The ocean provides us with jobs as fishermen and women, seafood processors, charter boat operators, restaurant owners, busboys, hotel clerks, boardwalk hawkers and lifeguards in the coastal shoreline communities that are home to 39% of the nation’s people. Each year, more than 1.2 million people move to the coast, adding population equivalent to nearly one San Diego, or more than three Miamis. The ocean’s shores are our playgrounds, our places of solace and worship. Coastal tourism and recreation dominated both employment and GDP in the ocean economy sectors with 1.7 million jobs (75%) of employment and nearly $70 billion (51%) of GDP.

Given the dense population along our coastlines, their considerable contributions to the nation’s GDP, and the vulnerability of this region to increasingly frequent extreme weather events and other oceanic hazards like tsunamis, it is clear that any concept of resilience in this country must focus strongly on coastal resilience.

One of the most critical enablers of this vision of resilience is foresight: the ability to look ahead, to envision and plan for future conditions quite unlike the present or the past. As I said earlier, this is where environmental intelligence comes in. Robust observations, sound scientific understanding of Earth system processes, rigorous analysis, and modeling and assessment are essential to providing this vital environmental intelligence.

What is the critical environmental intelligence telling us so far?

The frequency of extreme weather and climate events is increasing, making coastal communities more vulnerable to coastal storms and inundation by storm surge. Multiple threats to the ocean and coastal zones exist from local to global scales — namely, overfishing and IUU (illegal, unreported, and unregulated) fishing, nutrient and chemical pollution, habitat alteration, loss of biodiversity, and invasive species.Ocean acidification is happening at least 10 times faster than at any time over the past 50 million years. The world’s oceans are absorbing increasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide, leading to lower pH and greater acidity. This literal sea change is causing ocean acidification from pole to pole. Furthermore, climate change and ocean acidification interact with and exacerbate the other stressors I mentioned in complex ways that are not uniform across the globe.  The Arctic Ocean will be nearly free of summer sea ice by 2050. This radical change in accessibility portends major changes to ecosystems, human populations, fish stocks and economic activity in this unique region.Fish stocks are shifting. In a study of catch composition in 52 Large Marine Ecosystems between 1970 and 2006, warm-water species rose in abundance, while those adapted to cooler waters dropped.CO2 reached historic levels in the Arctic and Mauna Loa. The 400 parts per million benchmark was recorded last year at our Arctic sampling sites and on May 9 at our Mauna Loa Observatory. We expect Southern Hemisphere measurements to reach this level in the next few years. We dwellers of the Northern Hemisphere see higher levels first because most of the emissions driving the CO2 increase take place in the north.

Resilience is not just about what we measure or know; it is about how and whether we use that knowledge to act. It’s about taking the concept off the pages of policy documents and reports, and putting it into action in our communities.

Hurricane Sandy provided some powerful lessons on this point last October. Sandy was much more than a weather phenomenon. Sandy was a case study — with both positive and negative examples — of the vital importance to our nation of coastal resilience.

Sandy demonstrated again something we know well: Preparedness matters, and foresight is key to preparedness.

A spot-on hurricane track forecast 4 full days in advance gave people, emergency managers, and first-responders in New York and New Jersey communities the early warning they needed to prepare for the storm. An organized weather enterprise across agencies, across levels of government, in the trenches in communities from emergency managers to first responders, the private sector worked together to prepare for and respond to Sandy.Ships and planes were quickly mobilized to map debris, hazards and oil spills and respond to oil spills.

But Sandy thrust some stark realities into the spotlight.

Sandy hit New York hardest right where the most recent developments had occurred. Lower Manhattan should have been the least vulnerable part of the island. But it was not rebuilt to be resilient, just “sustainable” green buildings in an energy efficiency sense. Buildings were designed to generate lower environmental impacts, but not to be resilient to the impacts of the environment.

At Old Cape May in New Jersey, sections of the town behind the restored coastal wetland and dune area fared much better during Sandy than sections hard onto the beach that relied on gray infrastructure alone for protection. Green infrastructure — nature’s own defenses — are too often overlooked in coastal planning and development.

We don’t recognize coastal storms as the multi-hazard events they are. People don’t die from wind in a hurricane, they die from water — both surge from the sea and inundation from rainfall. Irene’s upland rainfall surprised many and cost lives. Sandy’s storm surge, which rose well over 8 feet above ground level in some locations, also surprised many and cost even more lives.

The social dimensions of resilience were all too vividly apparent during and after Sandy. The elderly and poor suffer longer. Elderly people often live alone and tend to live in more dangerous places — everyone dreams of retiring near the beach or along the river, right? And they are more likely to die in an event like Sandy.

The lessons? First, the inherent resilience of natural systems provides powerful protection. We should restore them wherever possible. Second, we must factor future risk into our infrastructure planning — both gray and green. We must find ways to incentivize investments that take this into account, given that short-run solutions cost more in dollars and cents than planning for long-term risk. Third, resilience has a critical social dimension: citizen preparedness, bonds of community, strong and empowered institutions are indispensable elements of societal resilience.

Sandy also reveals that resilience can be considered on multiple time scales — from the days and hours needed to prepare for hurricane landfall to the years and decades needed to restore green infrastructure, our natural defenses — and build more resilient gray infrastructure.

Coastal communities around the United States are working to become more resilient on these various scales, very often drawing on NOAA’s environmental intelligence and coastal expertise. The progress is encouraging.

Lake Erie has been plagued by a steady increase of harmful algal blooms (HABs) over the past decade. HABs can kill fish, foul coastlines, and make us sick. NOAA has issued weekly bulletins for HABs in Lake Erie since 2008. To assist communities in responding to this, NOAA uses high time-resolution satellite imagery from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite sensor to develop a forecast that gives them up to 3 days advance warning of a bloom.

NOAA issued its first seasonal ecological forecast of HABs in 2012, accurately predicting a mild bloom for the 2012 summer season. This forecast helped managers in the Great Lakes make decisions about the state’s 2012 tourism season, as well as its water quality management.

In Alaskan waters, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council decided in 2009 to prohibit expansion of commercial fishing in U.S. federal waters in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas until the scientific basis for fisheries management decisions could be established.

As we all know, the decrease in summer sea ice means the Arctic is becoming a busier place. The prospect of much more shipping — possibly trans-oceanic commercial traffic — brings back to the foreground the same fundamental environmental intelligence that moved Jefferson to establish the Survey of the Coast: the need for accurate nautical charts. Until just recently, the only chart available for Kotzebue Sound was a 19th century chart with 3-5 mile resolution. The shoreline has changed radically in this area since the 1800s, and modern-day coastwise traffic demands much finer resolution. NOAA completed a new chart for the region just last May. We also sent the NOAA Ship Fairweather into the Chukchi Sea to re-chart waters off Alaska’s north coast. Re-charting our Arctic waters is a central element of the U.S. Arctic Strategy announced by Secretary Kerry at the recent Arctic Council meeting in Kiruna, Sweden.

Arctic ERMA, a new federal interactive online mapping tool used by emergency responders during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill has been expanded to include the Arctic and will help address numerous challenges in the Arctic posed by increasing ship traffic and proposed energy development.

The signing this past May 15 of an International Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response by eight nations (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the United States) shows the international recognition of the need for Arctic resilience.

Protection of natural environments is producing both economic and ecological benefits In the Florida Keys. Since “no-take” protections were established in the Tortugas Ecological Reserve within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary back in 2001:

Overfished species such as black and red grouper, yellowtail and mutton snapper increased in presence, abundance and size inside the reserve and throughout the region; Annual gatherings of spawning mutton snapper, once thought to be wiped out from overfishing, began to reform inside the Reserve; Commercial catches of reef fish in the region increased, and continue to do so; and Key West commercial fishery landings increased from $40M in 2001 to $56M in 2011. No financial losses were experienced by regional commercial or recreational fishers following introduction of the “no take” zones.

These data show that marine reserves and economically viable fishing industries can coexist. The health of our economy and the health of our oceans are not mutually exclusive.

Ocean acidification is a serious threat to shellfish and mariculture enterprises in U.S. coastal waters. Pacific Northwest shellfish growers have already felt the impacts. In 2008, the harvest of one major Oregon supplier to the majority of West Coast oyster farmers plummeted 80% due to acidified seawater. Oyster production accounts for more than $84 million and hundreds of jobs in the West Coast shellfish industry, which supports more than 3,000 jobs. Such precipitous declines can have devastating effects on coastal communities.

NOAA is working to provide shellfish farmers with environmental intelligence that can help them manage this risk. NOAA/IOOS® systems in Puget Sound monitor ocean pH and alert shellfish farms so they can adapt operations accordingly — a great example of critical environmental intelligence as essential Business Intelligence. And, it is a great example of resilience.

I have emphasized that foresight is key to resilience:

… foresight to prepare in the days ahead or grab your go-kit hours before an event.
… foresight to develop a climate change adaptation plans, based on the best available Earth science, sound social science and pertinent community data that enable communities to plan for future risks due to coastal storms, heat waves, flash flooding and other hazards.
… foresight of decades or more to develop a hardened built environment and green infrastructure.
… foresight to understand that vulnerability also is about our choices to live in coastal communities. Today 23 of 25 of the most densely-populated communities are coastal.
… foresight to build communities in areas vulnerable to storm surge not just 10 years from now, but a century from now.
…and, not least, the foresight that citizens and leaders need to foster social resilience, to strengthen community institutions and to prepare every citizen to be a competent first responder.

As cities, states and regions create and revise climate change adaptation plans, having fabulous environmental intelligence is necessary but not sufficient. We’ve learned this lesson in the weather arena. The information must be readily accessible to non-expert decision-makers, media partners and citizens, and delivered in forms and formats that communicate clearly the information they need to build answers to their questions (This is often quite different than the information that the experts thought was important or cool to convey!). In other words, the critical environmental intelligence product and tools for interacting with it are of comparable importance to the intelligence itself. NOAA is working hard in this arena as well.

Tools like Digital Coast can help communities look at future sea level rise in their communities and other potential impacts. Five years ago, NOAA’s Coastal Services Center launched the “Digital Coast” initiative to address timely coastal issues, including climate change. One of Digital Coast’s tools, the Sea Level Rise Impacts Viewer, creates visualizations of the potential physical, ecological and socioeconomic impacts of sea level rise in order to inform the planning efforts of community officials and coastal managers.

While the need for good geospatial data forms the foundation of the Digital Coast, the basic premise of the site is: Data alone are not enough. People need the associated tools, training and information that turn data into information capable of making a difference. And people want this information in one connected package that is easy to use. Digital Coast does just that.

Users who make up the Digital Coast Partnership provide feedback and guide the development of the site. They let the Center know what issues were most important, what type of content they would find most helpful, and the primary barriers they needed addressed. These are tools build to answer questions people ask, not just what we want to tell them.

These tools are currently being applied in Texas and Mississippi and are serving as the basis of a new partnership with the Department of Housing and Urban Development to better understand and prepare for the potential impacts of sea level rise on vulnerable populations, infrastructure and ecosystems in Galveston, Texas.

Another tool, the Social Vulnerability Index, maps the locations of those at higher social risk during a disaster. When social vulnerability maps are overlaid onto inundation maps, the composites can help identify where help might be needed most during response and longer during recovery.

A vision of local empowerment is starting to take shape in places like the Gulf of Mexico. Here The Nature Conservancy and the National Capital Project are using a promising new tool called Marine InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs) to evaluate how restored oyster reefs can best protect shorelines from coastal hazards, such as storm surge, while stimulating a recovering fisheries economy. About half of the Gulf’s coastal habitats vanished during the past century. The devastating impacts of Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill have lent new urgency to restoring Gulf coasts. Marine InVEST was developed by the Natural Capital Project in partnership with NOAA to facilitate scientific understanding of ecosystem services — and then to help communities make better real-world decisions. InVEST allows users to “test” possible outcomes of different decisions, visualizing trade-offs among environmental, economic and social benefits.

With the latest version of the InVEST coastal protection model, the National Capital Project and The Nature Conservancy are calculating the potential of restored oyster reefs of various designs and in various places for reducing wave height and wave energy in coastal areas. To reach a larger audience, they are working to incorporate aspects of the InVEST coastal protection model into The Nature Conservancy’s interactive web-based mapping application, Coastal Resilience — the only decision-support tool in the Gulf of Mexico region that explicitly addresses ecological and social considerations together. Coming full circle, NOAA is now helping extend the reach of the Coastal Resilience tool through its Digital Coast partnership to provide restoration and coastal inundation issues training to help stakeholders use the information for maximum results.

On the green infrastructure front, NOAA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have developed guidelines to help coastal communities rebuild in a more resilient and sustainable fashion, so they are better able to mitigate the impacts of coastal hazards. We developed a “Principles” document that lays out a unified strategy for our post-Sandy coastal restoration activities. These Principles recognize inter-linkages between natural and ecological systems and the resiliency of physical infrastructure and community well-being. The President’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force is referring to the Principles as an example of how to rebuild the coast in a sustainable way. And NOAA is currently developing projects with Sandy Supplemental funds that will support implementation of the Principles.

Each of these activities is a sign of progress in the right direction.

I will close with some thoughts about what’s needed on the broader landscape of resilience. We still have much to do.

We need a resilient observations enterprise. Observations are either not enough, as we see in the Arctic. Or they are aging, like the TAO array that provides the CEI for El Niño and La Niña prediction. An aging infrastructure make us more vulnerable than resilient.

Higher-resolution climate models are needed to provide better regional to local guidance, as well as coastal and marine ecosystem modeling.

We don’t really have our hands around ecosystem modeling. We need integrated ecosystem assessments that link cause and effect.

We need data to be discoverable, accessible and inter-operative. The White House Open Data Policy provides the framework to accomplish that. And provides a data portal to make it possible. But data also must be interoperable and integrated to be useful as foresight.

Research on green infrastructure is needed to build the right infrastructure in the right places in coastal communities.

We need more data fusion tools, like Digital Coast, that integrate data and allow people to build the answers they’re seeking, not just what we want to tell them. And we need these tools to make multi-user collaborative interaction possible.

So when we think of resilience for our oceans and coast, we must remember the enterprise that provides the critical environmental intelligence for resilience must itself remain resilient in the face of change — we need a “whole of community” approach, not merely federal actions.

In summary, coastal resilience is a national imperative that can be implemented at the level of communities. Resilience can mean preparedness on a short fuse, as in preparing for an immediate storm, but it also is a resilience for the future, a resilience that can be found in smart advance planning — the gray, the green, and the social.

The National Ocean Policy places before us a framework that is genuinely centered in a vision of oceans “of the people, for the people, and by the people.” Local and regional efforts to build community resilience are beginning to take shape. But the challenges remain daunting; the economic headwinds remain fierce.

Such circumstances never seemed to faze Jim Watkins, Dan Inouye or Frank Lautenberg. When times got tough, they dug deeper and redoubled their efforts; and so must we. The passion and talents in this room are tremendous national assets. CHOW gives us a fabulous opportunity to come together to develop smarter solutions for broader good.

Our beautiful planet “Aqua” was what I woke up to every morning and fell asleep to at the end of my day during my three missions on the Challenger. The profound reality that hits all of us who’ve flown in space: The singularity of this blue planet we call home. How inextricably each and every one of us is linked to all others and to the planet itself. How powerfully dynamic and, at the same time ineffably elegant, are the earth systems that support our existence. How trivial are the boundaries and distinctions we work so hard to draw between “us” and “them” — when in reality there is only We Earthlings. And We Earthlings depend on healthy oceans for our own well-being and for the well-being of our communities, businesses and economies.

CHOW offers a great forum for beginning larger conversations. Let’s keep talking and, most importantly, keep listening to one another.


NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

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Monday, October 7, 2013

First GOES-R instrument ready to be installed onto spacecraft

May 2, 2013

The first of six instruments that will fly on GOES-R, NOAA’s next-generation of geostationary operational environmental satellites, has been completed seven months before its scheduled installation onto the spacecraft.

The instrument, the Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors, or EXIS, will provide forecasters at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center with some of the most important early warnings of impending solar storms. It will also give scientists a more accurate measure of the extremes in solar energy radiating toward earth, which can severely disrupt telecommunications, air travel, and the performance of power grids.

“Severe space weather has the potential to cause significant damage to the U.S. and global economy, so it’s critical GOES-R has this technology in place as quickly as possible to monitor it,” said Mary Kicza, assistant administrator for NOAA’s Satellite and Information Service.

GOES-R, scheduled to launch in 2015, will be more advanced than NOAA’s current GOES fleet. The satellites are expected to more than double the clarity of today’s GOES imagery and provide more atmospheric observations than current capabilities with more frequent images. Data from the GOES-R instruments will be used to create many different products, enabling NOAA meteorologists and other users to better monitor the atmosphere, land, ocean and the sun, facilitating more timely and accurate forecasts and warnings.

The University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) built and tested EXIS.

EXIS will be shipped from the LASP site in Boulder to Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. in Littleton, Colo., later this year to be installed onto the spacecraft. Lockheed is building the GOES-R spacecraft.

The remaining GOES-R instruments to be delivered are:

the Advanced Baseline Imager, the primary instrument on GOES-R for imaging Earth’s weather, climate, and environment;Geostationary Lightning Mapper, which will provide for the first time a continuous surveillance of total lightning over the western hemisphere from space;the Space Environment In-Situ Suite, which consists of sensors that will monitor radiation hazards that can affect satellites and communications for commercial airline flights over the poles; the Solar Ultraviolet Imager, a high-powered telescope that observes the sun, monitoring for solar flares and other solar activity that could impact Earth, andthe Magnetometer, which will provide measurements of the space environment magnetic field that controls charged particle dynamics in the outer region of the magnetosphere. These particles can be dangerous to spacecraft and human spaceflight.

 NOAA manages the GOES-R Series Program through an integrated NOAA-NASA program office, staffed with personnel from NOAA and NASA, and co-located at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

“We’re just a few years away from seeing significant improvements in the way NOAA will serve the public with even better weather forecasts and warnings,” said Greg Mandt, director of the GOES-R Series Program..

NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

View the original article here

Sunday, October 6, 2013

New report examines national oil pollution threat from shipwrecks

May 20, 2013

14 May, 1942, U. S. Army Air Corps photographs of the burning tanker Potrero del Llano location.

14 May, 1942, U. S. Army Air Corps photographs of the burning tanker Potrero del Llano location.

Download here (Credit: Images courtesy of National Archives, College Park, MD )

NOAA presented to the U.S. Coast Guard today a new report that finds that 36 sunken vessels scattered across the U.S. seafloor could pose an oil pollution threat to the nation’s coastal marine resources. Of those, 17 were recommended for further assessment and potential removal of both fuel oil and oil cargo.

The sunken vessels are a legacy of more than a century of U.S. commerce and warfare. They include a barge lost in rough seas in 1936; two motor-powered ships that sank in separate collisions in 1947 and 1952; and a tanker that exploded and sank in 1984. The remaining sites are 13 merchant marine ships lost during World War II, primarily along the Atlantic Seaboard and Gulf of Mexico. To see a list of the ships and their locations, visit:

The report, part of NOAA’s Remediation of Underwater Legacy Environmental Threats (RULET) project, identifies the location and nature of potential sources of oil pollution from sunken vessels. Knowing where these vessels are helps oil response planning efforts and may help in the investigation of reported mystery spills--sightings of oil where a source is not immediately known or suspected. “This report is the most comprehensive assessment to date of the potential oil pollution threats from shipwrecks in U.S. waters,” said Lisa Symons, resource protection coordinator for NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. “Now that we have analyzed this data, the Coast Guard will be able to evaluate NOAA’s recommendations and determine the most appropriate response to potential threats.”

“The Coast Guard is pleased to receive these risk assessments from our partner agency NOAA and looks forward to our continued coordination on the matter of potential pollution associated with sunken vessels in U.S. waters,” said Capt. John Caplis, the Coast Guard’s chief of marine environmental response. “Coast Guard federal on-scene coordinators receiving the risk assessments will carefully review the data and incorporate it into their area contingency plans.”

In 2010, Congress appropriated $1 million for NOAA to develop a list of the most significant potentially polluting wrecks in U.S. waters, including the Great Lakes, specifically addressing ecological and socio-economic resources at risk. Those funds were not intended for oil or vessel removal.

NOAA maintains the internal Resources and UnderSea Threats (RUST) database of approximately 30,000 sites of sunken material, of which 20,000 are shipwrecks. The remaining items are munitions dumpsites, navigational obstructions, underwater archaeological sites, and other underwater resources.

Initial screening of these shipwrecks revealed 573 that could pose substantial pollution risks, based on the vessel’s age, type, and size. This includes vessels built after 1891, when U.S. vessels began using fuel oil; vessels built of steel; vessels over 1,000 gross tons, and any tank vessel.

Additional research about the circumstances of each vessel’s loss narrowed that number to 107 shipwrecks. Of those, some were deemed navigational hazards and demolished, and others were salvaged. Most of the 107 wrecks have not been directly surveyed for pollution potential, and in some cases little is known about their current condition.

To prioritize and determine which vessels are candidates for further evaluation, NOAA used a series of risk factors to assess the likelihood of substantial amounts of oil remaining onboard, and the potential ecological and environmental effects if that oil spills. Risk factors include the total oil volume onboard as cargo or fuel, the type of oil, and the nature of the sinking event. For example, a vessel that was struck by multiple torpedoes would likely contain less oil than a vessel that sank in bad weather.

After this third level of screening, 87 wrecks remained on the list developed for the Coast Guard’s area contingency plans. Among this group, NOAA determined that 36 shipwrecks are candidates for a “Worst Case” discharge event in which the shipwreck’s entire fuel oil and oil cargo would be released simultaneously, and recommended that 17 of these wrecks be considered for further assessment and feasibility of oil removal.

Six wrecks are potential candidates for a “Most Probable” discharge event, where a shipwreck could lose approximately 10 percent of its fuel oil or oil cargo. To date, known oil discharges from shipwrecks are typically in the “Most Probable” category or smaller.

The report, including 87 risk assessments, is not intended to direct Coast Guard activities, but rather provide the Coast Guard with NOAA’s scientific and technical assessment and guidance as a natural resource and cultural heritage trustee.

The Coast Guard, as the federal On-scene Coordinator for mitigating oil spills in the coastal marine environment, the Regional Response Teams, and local Area Committees, as established under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, will review and incorporate the assessments into regional and area marine environmental response contingency plans. The individual risk assessments not only highlight concerns about potential ecological and socio-economic impacts, but also characterize most of the vessels as historically significant and many of them as grave sites, both civilian and military.

Funding for any assessment or recovery operations determined to be necessary is dependent upon the unique circumstances of the wreck. If a wreck still has an identifiable owner, that owner is responsible for the cost of cleanup. Coast Guard officials say that if no responsible party exists, the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund would likely be accessed.

To view the report, 2012 Risk Assessment for Potentially Polluting Wrecks in U.S. Waters, visit

As America’s maritime first responder, the Coast Guard protects those on the sea, protects our nation from threats delivered by sea, and protects the sea itself. By executing our marine environmental protection responsibilities, the Coast Guard reduces the risk of harm to the marine environment by developing and enforcing regulations to prevent and respond to maritime oil spills and hazardous substance releases.

NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

National Weather Service completes Doppler radar upgrades

April 25, 2013

Dual-pol data shows what type of precipitation is falling based on its shape.

Dual-pol data shows what type of precipitation is falling based on its shape.

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This week, the National Weather Service completed the dual-polarization technology update in Brownsville, Texas – concluding the 122 NWS radar site upgrades throughout the country. This new advanced technology is helping federal weather forecasters more accurately track, assess and warn the public of approaching high-impact weather.

Dual-polarization is the most significant enhancement made to the nation’s federal weather radar system since Doppler technology was first installed in the early 1990s. Dual-pol radar sends and receives both horizontal and vertical pulses, which produces a much more informative picture of the size and shape of the objects in the sky. This provides meteorologists the ability to distinguish between rain, snow, hail and non-weather items like wildfire smoke plumes, birds and insects. Conventional Doppler radar only has a one-dimensional view making it difficult to tell the type of precipitation or object in the sky.

The radar receiving dish inside the protective cover. Dual-pol is both a hardware and software upgrade to the radar.

The radar receiving dish inside the protective cover. Dual-pol is both a hardware and software upgrade to the radar.

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“This achievement is the result of years of research, development and continued investment that’s helping us become a more weather-ready nation,” said Dr. Louis Uccellini, director, NOAA’s National Weather Service. “It is amazing what we can see with dual-pol technology. This game-changing technology has already helped forecasters issue more accurate and timely warnings to the public and has saved lives.”

Dual-pol is credited with providing improved detection of heavy rainfall, which can increase warning time for flash floods. During winter storms, forecasters use dual-pol information to monitor a transition from snow to sleet and freezing rain, which allows for a more accurate forecast. Dual-pol can also spot airborne debris giving forecasters the ability to confirm a tornado on the ground, even in the dark or when hidden by heavy rain. The new technology has also been used to help detect hazards to aircraft, such as volcanic ash plumes, icing conditions and birds.

“I am committed to supporting the National Weather Service’s critical mission of forecasting and warning about severe weather, and supporting the men and women who work every day to fulfill that mission”, said Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee that funds NOAA, “We owe it to our communities – to the coastal states that depend on accurate hurricane forecasts, and to the interior states that depend on timely tornado warnings – to make sure our weather offices are fit for duty. These new state-of-the-art radars will ensure our forecasters have the tools and technology they need to protect lives and livelihoods.”

Dual-polarization is the most significant enhancement made to the nation’s Next Generation Weather Radar network, NEXRAD, since Doppler radar was first installed in the early 1990s.

Dual-polarization is the most significant enhancement made to the nation’s Next Generation Weather Radar network, NEXRAD, since Doppler radar was first installed in the early 1990s.

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The National Weather Service has used dual-pol to develop 14 new radar products that have improved the speed, understanding, and accuracy of the information it provides about extreme weather. Forecasters now have more confidence to accurately assess weather events and be more descriptive in weather warnings, which helps improve public response to the warnings.

The nationwide dual-pol upgrade began in Sept. 2011 and the public has been benefiting from the new technology every day since. Here are a few successes:

On Feb. 10, 2013, NWS weather forecasters in Jackson, Miss., used the new radar technology to confirm a powerful tornado (EF-4) was moving across Southern Mississippi’s Lamar County toward the populated city of Hattiesburg. Forecasters warned the public using detailed, descriptive language about the tornado’s size and path, resulting in no fatalities. On the same day, dual-pol information helped the Jackson forecasters recognize thunderstorms with particularly heavy rainfall rates, enabling them to issue flash flood warnings more than an hour before flash flooding started. Dual-pol technology can also identify non-weather targets such as bugs, bats or debris from a tornado producing damage on the ground.

Dual-pol technology can also identify non-weather targets such as bugs, bats or debris from a tornado producing damage on the ground.

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On Nov. 7-8, 2012, NWS meteorologists at the Boston forecast office relied on dual-pol radar information to help locate the rain/snow line as a nor’easter traversed the area. During the afternoon and evening, a storm formed across Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts. Snow fell to the west of the boundary where temperatures dipped into the 30s, while rain fell to the east where temperatures held in the 40s. Using dual-pol information, forecasters were able to accurately track the slow progress of the rain-snow line and provide short term forecasts which helped department of transportation officials focus their snow removal assets and for the media to highlight the hazardous routes to the traveling public. The NWS forecast office in Phoenix relied on dual-pol technology to successfully warn for a very large dust storm that moved across the metro area during the early evening of July 5, 2011. There were widespread reports of near-zero visibility and winds gusting more than 50 mph. Dual-pol radar data estimated this dust storm reached a peak height of at least 5,000 to 6,000 feet, with a leading edge stretching close to 100 miles and traveling at least 150 miles. Forecasters collaborated with emergency management and media partners, providing details on potential impacts as the dust approached from the southeast.  Dust storm warnings described the large size of the dust area and the potential for widespread low visibilities of less than a quarter mile.  Safety tips in the warnings and updating warning statements helped people in the storm's path make fast and smart decisions.

In addition to the 122 NWS-owned radars, the full nationwide radar network includes another 37 radar sites owned by the FAA and Defense Department, which will be completely upgraded to dual-pol technology this summer. NOAA’s NEXRAD radar program is a tri-agency effort with NOAA, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the United States Air Force.

NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Sandy retired from list of Atlantic Basin tropical cyclone names

April 11, 2013

GOES East image of Hurricane Sandy, Oct. 29, 2012.

This NOAA GOES-13 satellite image taken on October 29, 2012 shows the storm as it is centered off of Maryland and Virginia. 

Download here. (Credit: NOAA.)

Sandy has been retired from the official list of Atlantic Basin tropical cyclone names by the World Meteorological Organization’s hurricane committee because of the extreme impacts it caused from Jamaica and Cuba to the Mid-Atlantic United States in October 2012.
Storm names are reused every six years for both the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific basins. If a storm is so deadly or costly that the future use of the name would be insensitive or confusing, the WMO hurricane committee, which includes personnel from NOAA’s National Hurricane Center, may retire the name. Sandy is the 77th name to be retired from the Atlantic list since 1954. The name will be replaced with “Sara” beginning in 2018.
Sandy was a classic late-season hurricane in the southwestern Caribbean Sea. The cyclone made landfall as a category 1 hurricane (on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale) in Jamaica, and as a 115 mph category 3 hurricane in eastern Cuba.  Hurricane Sandy merged with a frontal system hours before making landfall as a post-tropical cyclone near Brigantine, N.J., and its size and strength caused catastrophic damage all along the mid-Atlantic shoreline.

Because of its tremendous size, Sandy drove a catastrophic storm surge into the New Jersey and New York coastlines. Preliminary U.S. damage estimates are near $50 billion, making Sandy the second-costliest cyclone since Katrina to hit the United States. There were at least 147 direct deaths recorded across the Atlantic basin due to Sandy, with 72 of these fatalities occurring in the mid-Atlantic and northeastern United States. Sandy caused the greatest number of U.S. direct fatalities related to a tropical cyclone outside of the southern states since Hurricane Agnes in 1972.

NOAA's National Weather Service is the primary source of weather data, forecasts and warnings for the United States and its territories. NOAA’s National Weather Service operates the most advanced weather and flood warning and forecast system in the world, helping to protect lives and property and enhance the national economy. Working with partners, NOAA’s National Weather Service is building a Weather-Ready Nation to support community resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather. Visit us online at and on Facebook.

NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Statement from Dr. Kathryn Sullivan on NOAA’s FY 2014 Budget Request

April 10, 2013

While the economy has shown signs of recovery over the past year, continued fiscal uncertainty and tight budgets mean that government agencies, like so many families and businesses across the country, still face tough choices. At NOAA, we’re working to fulfill our core mission of science, service and stewardship and balance investments in current and future programs and services.  

Americans in all 50 states and territories have come to rely on NOAA’s products and services on a daily basis. Across all of NOAA, our employees and partners work day in and day out to foster scientific discovery, support economic vitality, and protect our planet’s resources for future generations.  

NOAA provides the environmental intelligence that helps citizens, businesses, and governments make smart choices. Just as every citizen depends on NOAA for weather information, so, too, do businesses rely on NOAA’s services. The fishing and shipping industries count on NOAA’s nautical charts and information about tides and currents before heading to sea. Farmers depend on our long-range forecasts and information about the drought to inform decisions. The entire country relies on NOAA’s observations and products to keep goods moving safely and efficiently through our ports.

While we still face significant challenges and an uncertain budget environment, the fiscal year 2014 budget request shows that we have listened to our stakeholders, exercised the necessary strong fiscal discipline and worked hard to make the right investments for the whole of NOAA. This year’s budget request of approximately $5.4 billion aims to: 1) ensure the readiness, responsiveness, and resiliency of communities from coast to coast; 2) help protect lives and property; and, 3) support vibrant coastal communities and economies.

Ready, Responsive, and Resilient Communities

Last year’s onslaught of severe weather events caused widespread damage and devastated families and businesses. These losses highlighted the need for communities across the nation to become more ready, more resilient, and more responsive.

One recent example is Hurricane/Post-Tropical Cyclone Sandy (Hurricane Sandy).  Hurricane Sandy demonstrated the value NOAA brings to society, as the whole agency mobilized to help the public prepare for, respond to, and initiate recovery from the storm. In the weeks prior to Hurricane Sandy, NOAA satellites and observing platforms provided the vital data needed for our forecast enterprise to predict the path and intensity of the storm and all its impacts. Once Hurricane Sandy passed through the Northeast, NOAA worked side-by-side with Federal, State, and local agencies to aid the area’s recovery. Our ships surveyed ports and harbors so that maritime commerce could resume. Our aircraft re-mapped the coastal zones, speeding the flow of aid to damaged communities and homeowners.  Our environmental response teams responded to oil and hazmat spills and assessed environmental damages and debris.  Our recovery work continues: NOAA’s coastal expertise, technical tools and information - such as coastal inundation products, maps, and storm surge modeling capabilities - are helping communities rebuild in a manner that is smarter and safer.

NOAA is the only federal agency with operational responsibility to provide critical and accurate weather, climate, and ecosystem forecasts that support national safety and commerce, and to protect and preserve ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources.  

This budget allows NOAA to deliver forecasts and warnings that can be trusted, provide services in a cost-effective manner, continue to promote preparedness and resilience to weather-related impacts, and improve the economic value of weather, water, drought, and climate information.  

Environmental Intelligence

Americans rely on satellite observations every day. NOAA’s environmental observations are the backbone of our global earth observing system and provide the information needed to provide a holistic picture of our planet from the depths of the oceans to the surface of the sun. The data supplied by NOAA satellites are critical to the full breadth of NOAA services and drive our ability to increase community and ecological resilience from the local to national level, now and into the future.  

NOAA missions, from issuing accurate weather forecasts to researching climate change, depend on this integrated suite of observing systems. NOAA’s satellites provide critical data for forecasts and warnings that are vital to every citizen and to our economy as a whole. They provide warnings for severe weather, enable safe air, land, and marine transportation, and even contribute directly to life-saving rescue missions. In addition to their key role in weather prediction, NOAA’s satellite observation suite also provides other benefits such as monitoring coastal ecosystem health to tracking migratory movements of endangered species and monitoring solar eruptions.  

Vibrant Coastal Communities and Economies

A healthy marine environment provides significant economic benefits to our nation. NOAA is the primary federal agency responsible for enabling and promoting the sustainable, safe, and efficient use of coastal resources and coastal places. NOAA plays a critical role in fostering the vitality of the growing coastal population and a productive economy by supporting sustainable resources that benefit industries, jobs, and provide services that make businesses more efficient and safe. Our investments in the management of vital marine resources ensure these resources will contribute to thriving communities and their economies well into the future. Whether it’s supporting science-based stewardship of living marine resources or supporting sound decision-making for human, ecological, and economic health, NOAA’s science enhances our understanding of our planet’s marine and coastal ecosystems. This budget provides key investments to support sustainable fisheries, protected resources, habitat conservation and restoration, coastal science, and research and development opportunities to protect and preserve our environment for future generations.

NOAA touches each and every community across the United States. Our employees are your colleagues, neighbors and friends.  NOAA and its employees work each day to maximize U.S. competitiveness, enable economic growth, foster science and technological leadership, and promote environmental stewardship.  This budget makes the right investments for NOAA while maintaining our commitment to delivering the services, stewardship and science America needs.

Dr. Kathryn Sullivan
Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
and Acting NOAA Administrator

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mobile app provides free nautical charts for recreational boating

May 20, 2013


MyNOAACharts, a mobile app beta test for Android tablets, can easily integrate the user's location, the nautical chart, and all the navigational information from the U.S. Coast Pilot.

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As recreational boaters gear up for a summer of fun on coastal waters and the Great Lakes, NOAA is testing MyNOAACharts, a new mobile application that allows users to download NOAA nautical charts and editions of the U.S. Coast Pilot. The app, which is only designed for Android tablets for the testing period, will be released on May 20.

MyNOAACharts, which can be used on land and on the water, has GPS built-in capabilities that allow users find their positions on a NOAA nautical chart. They can zoom in any specific location with a touch of the finger, or zoom out for the big picture to plan their day of sailing. The Coast Pilot has “geotagged” some of the major locations -- embedding geographical information, such as latitude and longitude, directly into the chart so it is readable in the app -- and provides links to appropriate federal regulations. The app can be downloaded from the Google Play™ app store.

“Easy and workable access to nautical charts is important for boating safety,” said Rear Admiral Gerd Glang, director of NOAA Office of Coast Survey. “I’ve seen a popular t-shirt that has a ‘definition’ of a nautical chart splayed across the front: ‘chärt, n: a nautical map that shows you what you just hit.’ As creative as that is, a boating accident can kill. Keeping a nautical chart on hand – to avoid hitting something – can save lives.”

The beta test for MyNOAACharts will expire this Labor Day, Sept. 2. Coast Survey will then evaluate usage and user feedback to decide whether to release a finished version of the app.

“Expanding the app across a multitude of platforms, ensuring easy accessibility to over a thousand charts and nearly 5,000 pages of U.S. Coast Pilot, will take considerable resources,” Glang said. “We can do it if the boating community likes the app. We truly want the users to let us know if the app meets their needs.”

Boaters without an Android tablet should not despair. The Office of Coast Survey provides free BookletCharts, which are 8 ½” x 11” PDF versions of NOAA nautical charts that can be downloaded and printed at home. The U.S. Coast Pilot is also available in a free PDF version. Those products, and information for purchasing other nautical products, are available at

Important notice for commercial mariners: The mobile app MyNOAACharts and the BookletCharts do not fulfill chart carriage requirements for regulated commercial vessels under Titles 33 and 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey, originally formed by President Thomas Jefferson in 1807, is the nation’s nautical chartmaker. Its hydrographers survey the coastal seafloor, respond to maritime emergencies and search for underwater dangers to navigation. Join Coast Survey on Twitter and check out the NOAA Coast Survey Blog for more in-depth coverage of surveying and charting.

NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2012 ranks as 2nd costliest year with 11 billion-dollar disasters causing more than $110 billion in damages

NCDC Releases 2012 Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters Information | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Clike here to visit NOAA.govNational Climatic Data CenterSkip to main contentSkip to site searchHomeClimate InformationData AccessCustomer SupportAbout NCDCSearch Field: Home > News > NCDC Releases 2012 Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters InformationNCDC Releases 2012 Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters Information Submitted by susan.osborne on Thu, 06/13/2013 - 10:41am 2012 Billion Dollar Disasters Map

U.S. 2012 Billion Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters. Full-size version also available.

According to NCDC’s 2012 weather and climate disasters information, 2012 saw 11 weather and climate disaster events each with losses exceeding $1 billion in damages. This makes 2012 the second costliest year since 1980, with a total of more than $110 billion in damages throughout the year. The 2012 total damages rank only behind 2005, which incurred $160 billion in damages due in part to four devastating land-falling hurricanes.

The 2012 billion-dollar events included seven severe weather and tornado events, two tropical cyclone events, and the yearlong drought and its associated wildfires. These 11 events killed over 300 people and had devastating economic effects on the areas impacted. With 11 events, 2012 also ranks second highest in total number of billion-dollar events behind 2011, which had 14 events.

The two major drivers of the damage costs in 2012 were Sandy at approximately $65 billion and the yearlong drought at approximately $30 billion. Sandy’s large size, with tropical storm force winds extending nearly 500 miles from the center, led to record storm surge, large-scale flooding, wind damage, and mass power outages along much of the East Coast.

The yearlong drought, which affected more than half the country for the majority of 2012, was the largest drought extent in the United States since the 1930s. U.S. Department of Agriculture Drought Disaster Declarations reached more than 2,600 of the Nation’s 3,143 counties. While drought impacts are often most costly to agricultural centers, their conditions also led to several devastating wildfires that burned over 9 million acres nationwide during 2012.

See NCDC’s Billion-Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters report for more information on the weather and climate events that have had the greatest economic impacts from 1980 to 2012.

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