Subscribe to Weather News newsletter May 20, 2011 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced its forecast for the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season Thursday morning. Experts say it is unlikely the U.S. will escape a direct hurricane hit during this busy Atlantic season. continue reading May 18, 2011 Overripe watermelons on 115 acres of farmland in eastern China have exploded and investigators have linked the incident to the overuse of a chemical that makes the fruit grow fast. continue reading May 18, 2011 Poor visibility forced Air Force One to abort its first landing in Connecticut on Wednesday, but President Barack Obama made it safely to the Bradley International Airport in the plane's second try. continue reading May 17, 2011 The fires that raged throughout Alberta over the weekend razed half of the homes and buildings in the town of Slave Lake. continue reading May 17, 2011 Manitoba officials went ahead and pushed through with the plan to release water from the swollen Assiniboine River on Saturday. However, they slowed down the rate of release from the original plan of 3,000 cubic feet per second to less than 500. continue reading May 16, 2011 Wildfires are racing across Alberta, threatening a recent oil spill and causing the evacuation of hundreds. continue reading First Prev - Page 1 of 12 - Next Last